
Air Flow Measurement solutions is the complete system which offers the possibility to measure the mass flow of turbine blades, sheet metal inputs and other specimens like e.g. Burners.


¨     This system allows you to do your tests even during the process of productio which allows you to do reworking in time.

¨     Time Reduction by implementing process automation by one-click operation.

¨     Selectable dB Values for Damping Estimation for each Natural Frequency

¨     Quality Sentencing based on Frequency Tolerances

¨     Temperature Measurement with optional Frequency Correction

¨     The solution contains a small form factor sonic nozzle test bench including a PC for automated operation.



The main focus while developing our software was to make it easy-to-use, but although very functional. The following are some of the key functionalities:


¨     Serial Measurement (with master blade measurements)

¨     R&D Test Measurement

¨     Task Management

¨     Test-Object Management (Blade Management)

¨     Analysis & Reporting

¨     Remote Administration

¨     User & Rights Management



¨     Component testing on gas turbines

·         Air Cooled turbine blades

·         Burners with multiple fuel paths

¨     Calibration of mass flow devices

¨     Determination of effective flow areas

·         Drilling holes

·         Complex Specimens