
Scan & Paint 2D System

Scan&Paint 2D is a tool to visualize stationary sound fields with an unmatched spatial resolution in full acoustic bandwidth. The system is a superb engineering tool for troubleshooting, soundproofing or benchmarking all kinds of objects on the spot. The Scan & Paint 2D system is a portable, all-in-one box solution for acoustic measurements. It is a simple and unique tool, which will allow you visualize any stationary sound field in almost any measurement environment. Offering un matched spatial resolution in full acoustic bandwidth (20Hz to 10kHz). High resolution acoustic imaging of – Particle Velocity, Sound Intensity, Sound Pressure with TPA, Transmission Loss Coefficient, Absorption Coefficient, Sound Power Calculation


  1. Noise Source Identification
  2. Noise Ranking
  3. Vehicle Acoustics
  4. Component Testing
  5. Soundproofing & Benchmarking


  • Broadband Solution: 20Hz – 10kHz
  • Fast & Easy, results in minutes
  • High-resolution acoustic imaging of:
    – Particle velocity, Sound intensity & Sound pressure
    – Sound pressure contribution (with the TPA module)
    – Transmission loss coefficient (with the TL module)
    – Absorption coefficient (with Absorption module)
  • Applicable in operating environments
  • Sound Power calculation
  • Reference sensor for phase correlation and ODS
  • Portable, single-sensor solution